
Archive for January, 2011

Lúc đầu thấy đăng tin trên facebook, mình cứ tưởng hắn nói đùa. Sau đó hai tên kia cứ cuống quýt lên nào là chụp ảnh cưới, nào là ăn hỏi, nào là chuẩn bị cưới… Tất cả chỉ diễn ra trong vẻn vẹn 1 tháng kể từ khi ra quyết định tới lúc thực hiện quyết định.

Đến chiều nay mới biết, bụng cô dâu cũng đã lùm lùm… Và cái “ngày đặc biệt” trên status của tên kia là ngày hai kẻ đó biết mình sắp lên chức bố mẹ.

Nhìn quanh quẩn, thấy chẳng còn mấy đứa ăn chơi nhảy múa. Chẳng bao lâu nữa sẽ chỉ còn mình mình.

Nói thật nhiều lúc cũng thấy cuống rồi đây Thinking smile Các nàng suốt ngày nhồi nhét vào đầu những tư tưởng kiểu như “chờ tên kia tới bao giờ?” hay “đến lúc ấy thì mình già mất rồi” (Ôi mình không muốn nghĩ tới tương lai u ám như thế đâu Sick smile Nếu giờ cưới được luôn thì đỡ bị bọn nó (và các cụ) đầu độc. Nhưng nhiều lúc lại thấy sợ. Có chồng, có thêm bố mẹ, rồi đủ thứ trách nhiệm đổ lên đầu. Sao mình thấy mình vẫn còn non nớt quá Sleepy smile

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First, find your season:



Your Coloration has a  “Icy Nuance, Intrepid  and distinctive” Winters are intense and rich in their coloring and have the best profile for power dressing because they look great in all the power colors black ,navy,  charcoal.

People with “Winter” coloring are usually brunette’s, although natural white-blondes may also be winter’s. Winters often have porcelain white or very pale skin, or olive skin (with a yellowish tinge)… the latter often look good in the deepest winter colors. People of color may also be winter.

Typically people who have your color profile have depth to their coloring and a lot of contrast between their hair color, eye color and skin tone. You will look best in intense deep, rich colors accented with jewel tones, or contrasted with bright white or icy pastels. Look for a dark suit with cool undertones like dark navy, charcoal and even black. Your coloring will be complimented by these deep, powerful colors. Never dress in earth tones, muted or powdery colors; they will make you look faded and sallow. When choosing colors, look for jewel tones and bright, vivid colors, or colors with cool icy tones to them. For dress shirts, this means very bright whites, icy blues, pinks and yellows. For fun and style expression try  French blue or charcoal. Accents should be vibrant, and intense jewel tones. Be bold! Try wearing wear emerald green, ruby red, fuchsia, royal blues, for your sportswear In all instances the colors are intense and rich.

Briefcase Selection
Black and cordovan.

Shoe Selection
Black or Cordovan for dress. Black, navy, or burgundy for casual wear.

Tie Selection
Intense jewel tones and deep, rich colors accent. Never wear earth tones or muted, cloudy colors.


Winter Sportswear


Winter Tie Accents


Winter Suits


Winter Shirts



Your Coloration is “Icy cool nuance, silky smooth And hushed”. SUMMER A smooth operator indeed with striking yet polished coloring

People with “Summer” coloring are usually natural blondes, although extremely pale-skinned brunettes with pale blue eyes are often summer’s. Summers often have porcelain white or very pale skin, or pale skin with pink cheeks. A dark blonde summer with slightly darker skin will be able to wear darker colors than a very fair summer. A dark summer can wear burgundy, deep royal purple and some of the colors that overlap with the winter colors.

Typically people who have your profile have a low level of contrast between their hair color, eye color and skin tone with, cool undertones of pink or blue. For you to look your best, choose soft, muted colors with cool undertones. You should strive for blended shades like heather gray and slate blue. Avoid intense, clear colors because they will appear too harsh on you.

When choosing a suit, you should look for toned-down colors like subdued navy blue, softer grays, blue-grays, charcoals, and rose browns. Your image will be complimented by these dusty colors instead of being overpowered. You should never dress in vivid or saturated colors, for they will drown you out. Nor should you ever wear earth tones. Your shirt colors should be soft like powder blue, dusty pink, mauve, pale yellow, lavender and soft white. Choosing the correct colors will give you a harmonious attractive pulled together look. Bringing you into the forefront.

Briefcase Selection:
Rose brown, burgundy

Shoe Selection:
Rose brown, black, and burgundy for dress, as well as navy and gray for casual wear.

Tie Selection:
Burgundies, grays, soft yellow, muted pinks, dusty rose or cool neutrals for a conservative look. Never wear bright, vivid or spice colors.

Colors for Summer




Summer SUITS




Summer Sportswear



Your Coloration is “Sunny warm nuance, heated And hushed”  just like strong and silent, very appealing

People with “Autumn” coloring have varied coloring – ranging from golden blondes to brunettes and black hair coloring. Red-heads, excluding very fair auburn and strawberry blondes, are usually autumns. All red-heads are autumn or spring’s. Red-headed autumns often have porcelain white or very pale skin. Autumns can also have a ruddy skin with orange tones or swarthy skin.  Autumns cover such a large range of colorings, fairer autumns may look best in the oranges and turquoise, whereas black-haired or dark brunette autumns may look good in the deeper chocolate browns, olive green and deep orange reds.

Typically people who have your profile have a lot of depth to their coloring and a spicy, earth tone quality to their hair color, eye color, and skin tone. Your complexion will be accented by rich golden, spicy and earthy colors. You can wear both muted and rich, warm colors like the autumn foliage or exotic spice colors. Look for a warm golden undertone when choosing a color.

When choosing a suit, you should pick warm, muted colors like marine navy blue, olives, golden browns and rich warm grays. Your image will be complimented by these harmonious environmental colors instead of clashing. Avoid clear bright colors, pure white and black which will make you look tired and faded. Also, avoid true pastel colors which will look cold against your complexion, giving you a pale and sickly appearance. Your dress shirts, in particular, should not be true white for this reason. Choose oyster and ecru (eggshell) instead.

Briefcase Selection:
All shades of brown and golden tan.

Shoe Selection:
Brown, black, and reddish brown for dress. Brown or luggage color for casual wear. Add beige and oyster for warm weather.

Tie Selection:
Rich, spicy and warm shades such as fiery reds, rich burnt oranges, olives, intense shades of gold, and turquoise. Any earth tone can be an accent. Avoid black, white, and pastels.

Colors that blend well with Autumns



Autumn Sportswear


Autumn Tie Accents


Autumn Suits


Autumn Shirts



Your Coloration is “Sunny, Luminous, And Transparent”. Your smile alone will brighten a day.

People with “Spring” coloring are usually natural golden blondes or auburn or strawberry blonde red-heads although very fair blue/ aqua eyed brunettes are sometimes spring. Springs have extremely light skin color and pale or very clear- pale eye color. Springs can wear very pale soft colors, such as peach, golden browns, aqua. Slightly darker springs, especially brunette springs, can wear the lime green and sometimes some of the paler autumn colors e.g. orange.

Typically people who have your profile have clear, warm, golden undertones. They usually have ivory skin with a hint of coral in their cheeks. Colors appropriate for you are bright, vivid and clear with warm undertones. When choosing a suit, you should pick clear, true colors like cadet navy, or golden shades like olive, golden brown, camel, and warm grays.

Your colors are particularly hard to find because they can never be muted or too dark. Your colors should look “alive”. Avoid black and pure white–they will be heavy and too contrasting for you.

When choosing casual or sportswear look for for lively, bright colors. People of your coloration need a hint of gold in their colors. When choosing accent colors, look for bright greens and yellows, true reds and clear blues, as well as corals and oranges. For dress shirts, this means ivory instead of white and warm pastels. Avoid colors that look cool or muted. Also avoid very dark colors for your suits–they will make you vanish into the background.

Briefcase Selection:
Brown and saddle.

Shoe Selection:
Brown, saddle, and black for dress.

Tie Selection:
Bright, lively color as accents such as red orange, gold, bright blue, deep coral or bright green, mixed with neutrals like tans, olives and golden brown.


Spring Sportswear


Spring Suits


Spring Shirts


Spring Accents for ties







Skin Very white

White with slight Pink tone

Beige (no cheek color may be sallow)

Gray-beige or brown



Black blue undertone

Black sallow

Pale beige with pink cheeks

Beige with no cheek color even sallow

Rosy beige

Very pink

Gray brown

Rosy brown


Ivory with freckles (usually a red head)


Peach with freckles (usually golden blond, brown)

Golden beige

Dark beige (coppery)

Golden brown

Creamy ivory

Ivory with golden freckles


Peach/pink (may have pink/purple knuckles)

Golden beige

Golden brown

Rosy cheeks ( may blush easily)

Hair Blue-black

Dark brown may have red highlights

Medium ash brown

Salt and pepper

Silver – grey

White blond rare


White blond

Ash blond

Warm ash blond

Dark ash blond

Ash brown

Dark brown      (taupe tone)

Brown with auburn cast


Pearl white


Coppery brown


Golden brown dark honey

Golden blond honey

Dirty blond

Strawberry blond

Charcoal brown or black

Golden gray

Oyster white

Flaxen blond

Yellow blond

Honey blond

Strawberry blond usually with freckles

Strawberry redhead usually with freckles


Golden brown

Red black rare

Dove gray

Creamy white

Eyes Dark red brown


Hazel (brown plus blue or green)


Blue with white flecks in iris may have gray rim

Dark blue, violet


Green with white flecks in iris may have gray rim

Blue ( with white webbing in iris cloudy look)

Green ( with white webbing in iris cloudy look)

Soft gray-blue

Soft gray green

Bright clear blue

Pale clear aqua (eyes change from to blue to green, depending on clothes)

Hazel (cloudy brown smudge with blue or green)

Pale gray

Soft rose brown

Grayed brown

Dark brown

Golden brown

Amber  hazel golden brown green gold

Green with brown or gold flecks

Clear green

Olive green

Steel blue

Teal blue

Bright turquoise

Blue with white rays

Clear blue

Steel blue

Green with golden flecks

Clear green



Golden brown

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New year :x :x


Embarrassed smile

Love you sooo much!!!

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